Friday, 27 January 2012

The least YOU can do about ACTA - NOW!

1. What is ACTA?

NOTE: Malta signed the ACTA Agreement also...

2. The least you can do is: sign the petitions below!:

And ANY others you may find! Also, please SHARE THEM!

3. Forward your ANTI-ACTA opinion to our MEP (for Maltese citizens)
Simon BUSUTTIL PPE Tel Bxl.: +32 2 28 45 686
Tel Bxl.: +32 2 28 47 686
Tel Str.: +33 3 88 175 686
Tel Str.: +33 3 88 177 686
Fax Bxl.: +32 2 28 49 686
Fax Str.: +33 3 88 179 686

4. For other EU MEPs:

5. Join the group:

6. Also, stay tuned for a last minute attempt to a public protest in the streets of Malta.

Whoever Disagrees with ACTA can do so officially by sending the following email to the following individuals that represent you. These of course are Maltese MEP's so if you're not a maltese citizen simply find the MEP's representing you and send then an e-mail.,,,,,

Dear member of the European Parliament, 

I am xxxx, 

and I am writing to you since you represent the people of Malta in the European Parliament. I am very much concerned by the ACTA agreement currently under negotiation. Have you signed the Written Declaration 12/2010 by MEPs Castex, Alvaro, Lambrinidis, Roithová? An analysis by the Commission itself shows that current versions of the ACTA agreement (carried out in secret) go beyond the EU acquis. ACTA lets the Commission negotiate on civil and criminal sanctions. It is not just a trade agreement. The European Parliament must show its commitment to protecting EU citizens. I feel that it is right that you sign the declaration 12/2010. This is so very important! The whole negotiation is circumventing the democratic process and could radically alter the Internet and citizens freedoms. To do so, you must personally sign the declaration on a table in front of the hemicycle during plenary sessions or go to the written question room at the European Parliament in Brussels. Thank you very much for reading this. I would be very interested in knowing what you thought. Have a good day. Yours sincerely, XXX

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